How it works❓

Read below to understand how our Sniper mempool bot works

Our new Sniper bot is a Mempool Bot. We are the only bot on the market who provides this kind of service : this is state of the art technology💎💪

To understand what is a Mempool bot, read below :

What is the difference between LimitSwap and Sniper bot?




LimitSwap is a "classic" bot It scans the blockchain for liquidity and price check


Limit Orders



Sniper is a "mempool bot" This is same technology than front run bot,

Sniping for advanced users

In short term :

If you run your own Private Node, you can buy in the SAME BLOCK where liquidity is added

Here is a proof on the 2 Tx in same block:




In blockchain terminology, a mempool is a waiting area for the transactions that haven't been added to a block and are still unconfirmed. This is how a Blockchain node deals with transactions that have not yet been included in a block.


Front-running is the “act of getting a transaction first in line in the execution queue, right before a known future transaction occurs.”

Mempool bot

A mempool bot is a bot able to scan this waiting area, so as to be able to buy a token as soon as liquidity is added --> in the same block

Front-run bot

A front-run bot is a mempool bot, but configure to "sandwich" your transaction. When it detects your transaction in the mempool :

  • It buys a lot of tokens right before you, to make the price rise

  • YOU buy at a very high price

  • It sells this tokens he just bought, and make benefits

Can I use Sniper bot with default nodes

Short answer is : NO

If you want good results on Sniper Bot, you need to use a private node (or at least rent your own node on Quicknode).

  • RPC nodes often detect bots scanning mempool and block them

  • RPC nodes are slow and will not give you good results

  • Some RPC nodes do not allow you at all to scan mempool

Read this page for more infos.

If you want to setup a private node, you can contact @zdarfa on Telegram, he's our "official node provider" 👍 - reliable service - super fast speed - lots of security advices - reasonable prices --> You can trust him 🙏

Contact :

Do I need to use Sniper Bot to snipe new listings?

No, don't worry, LimitSwap bot is plenty fast enough to snipe listings 🚀

I you want to try our bots, the team advise to:

  • Start with LimitSwap, to get used to sniping and get the right reflexes.

  • When you're used to it, upgrade to 100 tokens and use Sniper bot

Last updated